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알톨 All tools(Organic plant food)

알톨 All tools(Organic plant food)

1pack: 25ea/50ea


알톨은 토양에서 3개월이상 양분을 공급합니다.

'All tools' provides nutrients to the soil for more than 3 months.


작물에 필요한 각종 비료 성분으로 조성되어 있습니다.

It is suitable for organic farming as it is composed of natural materials without chemical substances.


화학성분이 배제된 천연자재로 구성되어 유기농에 적합합니다.

It is suitable for organic farming as it is composed of natural materials without chemical substances.


아랫잎이 누렇게 질소부족 현상이 나타나면 뿌리 가까이에 알톨을 추가로 투여하면 생육이 좋아집니다.

If the lower leaves show a yellowing symptom due to nitrogen deficiency, applying additional 'All tools' near the roots improves growth.

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